While arrays can easily be sorted in ascending or descending order using the sort method, how can we sort
objects by their values?
Here’s one approach:
Convert the object into an array for sorting.
Sort the array by the object’s values.
Convert the sorted array back into an object. If order needs to be maintained, use a
const const fruitCounts = { apple: 10, banana: 2, orange: 7, mango: 5 };
const sortedByValue = Object.entries(fruitCounts)
.sort(([, a], [, b]) => a - b);
// Output: [ [ 'banana', 2 ], [ 'mango', 5 ], [ 'orange', 7 ], [ 'apple', 10 ] ]
// Convert to Map to maintain order
const sortedMap = new Map(sortedByValue);
// Output: Map {'banana' => 2, 'mango' => 5, 'orange' => 7, 'apple' => 10}
// Converting back to the sorted array
for(const [key, value] of sortedMap){
console.log(`${key}: ${value}`)
// Iterate with for...of to handle keys and values.