Major New Features

  1. Actions
  • Enhanced support for asynchronous functions: By using useTransition, you can automatically manage pending states, error handling, and optimistic updates in asynchronous functions.
const [isPending, startTransition] = useTransition()

const handleSubmit = () => {
  startTransition(async () => {
    const error = await updateName(name)
    if (error) {
  1. New Hook: useActionState
  • Easily handle common cases of Actions: Manage the results of asynchronous actions, pending states, errors, and more.
const [error, submitAction, isPending] = useActionState(
  async (prevState, formData) => {
    const error = await updateName(formData.get('name'))
    if (error) return error
    return null
  1. React DOM:
    Actions and useFormStatus
  • Pass functions as action and formAction props: Automatically manage form submissions and reset the form after submission.

  • Added useFormStatus hook: Supports access to form state in design systems.

function DesignButton() {
  const { pending } = useFormStatus()
  return <button type="submit" disabled={pending} />
  1. New Hook: useOptimistic
  • Manage optimistic updates: Provide immediate feedback to users while asynchronous requests are in progress.
const [optimisticName, setOptimisticName] = useOptimistic(currentName)

const submitAction = async (formData) => {
  const newName = formData.get('name')
  const updatedName = await updateName(newName)
  1. New API: use
  • Support reading resources during rendering: Use use to read promises or contexts and suspend components if necessary.
function Comments({ commentsPromise }) {
  const comments = use(commentsPromise)
  return => <p key={}>{comment}</p>)
  1. React Server Components
  • Support for server components: Pre-render components on the server to reduce client bundle sizes and improve performance.

  • Server Actions: Call asynchronous functions that execute on the server from client components.


  1. Passing ref as a Prop
  • No need for forwardRef: You can directly receive and use ref as a prop in functional components.
function MyInput({ placeholder, ref }) {
  return <input placeholder={placeholder} ref={ref} />
  1. Improved Debugging for Hydration Errors
  • Providing diffs: More clear messages and debugging information for errors occurring during hydration.
  1. Using as a Provider
  • More concise context usage: You can provide context values using instead of <Context.Provider>.
const ThemeContext = createContext('')

function App({ children }) {
  return <ThemeContext value="dark">{children}</ThemeContext>
  1. Support for Cleanup Functions in ref
  • Return cleanup functions: You can return a cleanup function from a ref callback to execute when a component unmounts.
  ref={(ref) => {
    // Executes when ref is created
    return () => {
      // Executes during ref cleanup
  1. Initial Value Support in useDeferredValue
  • Setting an initial value: Add an initialValue option to useDeferredValue to specify the value used during initial rendering.
const value = useDeferredValue(deferredValue, '')
  1. Support for Document Metadata
  • Natural use of <title>, <meta>, <link> tags: Define document metadata directly within components, and React automatically hoists them to <head>.
function BlogPost({ post }) {
  return (
      <meta name="author" content="Author Name" />
  1. Improved Stylesheet Support
  • Managing stylesheet precedence: Control the insertion order of stylesheets using the precedence attribute on <link> tags.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" precedence="high" />
  1. Support for Asynchronous Scripts
  • Managing load order and deduplication: Declare asynchronous scripts within components, and React manages load order and deduplication.
function MyComponent() {
  return (
      <script async src="script.js" />
  1. Support for Resource Preloading
  • Performance optimization: Provide APIs like preload, prefetchDNS, preconnect to optimize browser resource loading.
import { prefetchDNS, preconnect, preload, preinit } from 'react-dom'

function MyComponent() {
  preinit('', { as: 'script' })
  preload('', { as: 'font' })
  1. Improved Compatibility with Third-Party Scripts and Extensions
  • Enhanced hydration: Prevent hydration errors caused by unexpected tags or elements, minimizing conflicts with third-party scripts or browser extensions.
  1. Improved Error Reporting
  • Removing duplication and providing detailed information: Eliminate duplicate error messages and add new root options like onCaughtError, onUncaughtError for flexible error handling.
  1. Support for Custom Elements
  • Improved attribute and property management: Enhanced handling of attributes and properties for custom elements, ensuring consistent behavior in client and SSR environments.